macca's farm, glen forbes

Old Macdonald had a farm, and on that farm he had STRAWBERRIES! Lots and lots of large, juicy strawberries.
At waist high, this is a perfect strawberry picking field for all ages. No bending with sore backs, and kids can easily reach.
Such a stunning farm, with animals running free-range across the fields. Two gorgeous farm dogs will greet you as you park, and if you’re lucky, you may catch a glimpse of some piglets, too!
There’s a great little cafe that you can eat at - using fresh local produce. Mamma can never go past home-made scones and jam. Great kids menu on offer as well.

Before you leave, stock up on fresh produce in the shop - lots of vegetables, herbs, bread and meat.
Kids will love visiting here, and if you’re like Mamma - you may have a hard time getting them to leave!

Mamma's special mention:
After some more adventure? Head up the road to the awesome Maru Koala and animal Park. Or - keep going to Phillip Island and check out Mamma’s Must Do’s in Phillip Island.

the nitty gritty

Wednesday - Sunday
9am - 5pm
Strawberry picking from November - April (depending on weather)

Wanna know more? Click HERE


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