Jacqui Kavanagh Jacqui Kavanagh

bean bag toss with tiny tots textiles

So many ways to use these bean bags - not just throwing into a hole or bucket.

Now that Mamma’s crew are remote learning, we needed to come up with some fun, creative ways to sneak in education and fitness. That’s why we contacted Tiny Tots Textiles! The creative Mum of 3 has added smaller bean bags for educational throwing games. How cool is that! Friday PE is sorted!
Mamma grabbed some saucepans and set up a friendly (but quickly turned competitive) game of who can get the most bags in.
The Husband then crafted his own version of cornhole to make things a tad more difficult.
You could come up with all sorts of ways to use these - not just throwing into a hole or bucket. You could write words with incorrect spelling and get the kids to the throw a bag onto the correctly spelt word, or maths equations - all sorts of ideas!

Such a great idea to get in some outdoor learning.


mamma’s special mention:
Not only can you get all sorts of cute designs of these great bean bags, but Tiny Tots Textiles also makes terrific heat bags (winter is coming!) and eye masks of differing sizes. Check it out HERE.

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the nitty gritty

Set of 10 for $30



Wanna know more? Click here

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Jacqui Kavanagh Jacqui Kavanagh

crafts with see make play, melbourne

Fun, bright and colourful crafts delivered straight to your door.

Could this be the cutest little craft bags EVER! This one of a kind designed bum bag by See Make Play is full of bright, fun and colourful crafts that will have little ones exploring and entertained for hours. You have probably seen See Make Play at your local shopping centre or pop up around Melbourne. Full of fun activities these ladies know craft! Now we get to enjoy fun, funky crafts right in our own home with some fantastic little packs. The Busy Bum Bag pack includes two crafts activities (little miss 5 got a rainbow keyring and a birdhouse, these may vary in each pack), collage crafts, gemstones, gem stickers, pom poms, stickers and sparkly foam.

mamma’s special mention: The website also has loads of other crafts ideas to choose out of too, maybe the sweet treat pack or the salad pita craft pack tickles your fancy. They even make the perfect gift.

crafts with see make play - mamma knows melbourne
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