kangatraining, melbourne's south
Getting active, listening to some groovy tunes, building muscle strength and laughing. Kangatraining is FUN. This is an exercise class with a difference where you wear your Little One in an ergonomic carrier (Manduca/Ergo etc) whilst doing a simple aerobics style workout. With expert encouragement and guidance from the instructor, you and your Little One bounce and bop your way through your one hour class. Oh and your pre-schooler can come too! How's that for accommodating? If you're looking for a mums and bubs exercise class with a twist (and a shake) then Mamma says you just found it.
These Kanga classes are featured on Kinly, where you can book services for you and your family instantly. Have a look at www.kinly.com.au for services dedicated to families in Melbourne’s South.
Mamma's special mention: Mamma uncovered more than a great way to keep fit. Rebecca and Amalie and their Kangatraining groups are a great source of parenting support to each other, it's a great way to spend an hour; and with Kinly getting organised is so easy. Why wouldn’t you?
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the nitty gritty
For more info on pricing and bookings check out kinly - a website dedicating to connecting families with services they need
Wanna know more? click here.
click here for more great classes in Melbourne's South