juggling socks with ruccis

We might feel like the ring master in our houses at the minute. So lets learn how to juggle with the circus masters of the east - RUCCIS. The team that are based in Bayswater can’t run their classes at this point in time, so are providing some fun tutorials on their Facebook Page. Let the lounge room clowning BEGIN!
We have been test running the juggling video with Sam. Using things we all have around the house - some pairs of socks - Sam gives the kids basic tasks with one, then two, and even three pairs, building up skills until the actual juggling takes place. We have been throwing socks behind our heads, under our leg and pretty much every direction you can think of. Mamma’s two kids might need a little more practise, but at least they are a little more interested in helping with the washing now!

Mamma’s special mention: Wanna learn more than just juggling? RUCCIS have a number of tutorials on their Facebook Page for us all to have a go.


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