Jacqui Kavanagh Jacqui Kavanagh

paint plot- paint by numbers, australia

Painting by numbers is an easy way to create your very own masterpiece!

This is JUST what Mamma needed to discover during isolation!
Painting by numbers is an easy way to create your very own masterpiece - even if you’re like Mamma and have no artistic talent!
There’s something very peaceful and stress relieving by using beautiful colours and tiny brush strokes and gradually seeing your work come to life.
The lovely creators of Paint Plot Australia started the business from their need to find a way to appease their anxiety and calm their stress levels. By focusing your energy on one simple task of finding the numbers and the corresponding paint colour, it takes your mind off anything else and creates a very calming place.

You can choose from dozens of different designs like animals, oceans, forests and more. These kits come complete with all the paint you need, as well as brushes and a frame if you opt to choose one, so all you need to do is PAINT!

Mamma’s special mention: Don’t be overwhelmed when you first look at all numbers - there are some very tiny numbers and spaces to fill on this painting, but it really is very easy to do.

the nitty gritty

Dozens of designs suited for all abilities.
From $45

wanna know more?
click here

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Rebekah Beare Rebekah Beare

make your own maracas with boroondara libraries

We love a good craft activity at home! Even better when you end up with something practical that the little ones will love to use!

Shake, shake, shake! We love a good craft activity at home! Even better when you end up with something practical that the little ones will love to use!

There are some fun kids craft tutorials popping up each week on Boroondara Libraries social media.

This week we were inspired to make some maraca shakers with dry rice, pasta and beans inside; each ingredient creating different tones of sound. It was a good little science lesson experimenting with the different sounds that each ingredient would make!

This is a good way to reuse those plastic Easter egg hunt eggs you might have laying around.

The best part is that now we have some percussion instruments to use while streaming story times from all our favourite local bookstores and libraries! Yay!

Check Boroondara Libraries Story Highlights for the easy steps.

the nitty gritty


(See ‘Story Highlights’ at the top of the profile for tutorials)

Boroondara Library Service

JOIN the library online

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Jacqui Kavanagh Jacqui Kavanagh

bean bag toss with tiny tots textiles

So many ways to use these bean bags - not just throwing into a hole or bucket.

Now that Mamma’s crew are remote learning, we needed to come up with some fun, creative ways to sneak in education and fitness. That’s why we contacted Tiny Tots Textiles! The creative Mum of 3 has added smaller bean bags for educational throwing games. How cool is that! Friday PE is sorted!
Mamma grabbed some saucepans and set up a friendly (but quickly turned competitive) game of who can get the most bags in.
The Husband then crafted his own version of cornhole to make things a tad more difficult.
You could come up with all sorts of ways to use these - not just throwing into a hole or bucket. You could write words with incorrect spelling and get the kids to the throw a bag onto the correctly spelt word, or maths equations - all sorts of ideas!

Such a great idea to get in some outdoor learning.


mamma’s special mention:
Not only can you get all sorts of cute designs of these great bean bags, but Tiny Tots Textiles also makes terrific heat bags (winter is coming!) and eye masks of differing sizes. Check it out HERE.

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the nitty gritty

Set of 10 for $30



Wanna know more? Click here

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Jacqui Kavanagh Jacqui Kavanagh

crafts with see make play, melbourne

Fun, bright and colourful crafts delivered straight to your door.

Could this be the cutest little craft bags EVER! This one of a kind designed bum bag by See Make Play is full of bright, fun and colourful crafts that will have little ones exploring and entertained for hours. You have probably seen See Make Play at your local shopping centre or pop up around Melbourne. Full of fun activities these ladies know craft! Now we get to enjoy fun, funky crafts right in our own home with some fantastic little packs. The Busy Bum Bag pack includes two crafts activities (little miss 5 got a rainbow keyring and a birdhouse, these may vary in each pack), collage crafts, gemstones, gem stickers, pom poms, stickers and sparkly foam.

mamma’s special mention: The website also has loads of other crafts ideas to choose out of too, maybe the sweet treat pack or the salad pita craft pack tickles your fancy. They even make the perfect gift.

crafts with see make play - mamma knows melbourne
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Jacqui Kavanagh Jacqui Kavanagh

cake decorating with corkies creations

Decorate your own cupcakes! Delicious, decadent and delivered to your door

Decorate your own cupcakes! Delicious, decadent and delivered to your door.

Mamma’s crew go crazy for cupcakes. And candy (or lollies for those who aren’t American Youtube influenced.) So when the two are combined, you can imagine their level of excitement!
The best bit is that you can get a special kit delivered right to your door! It’s a perfect way to keep the kids (and yourself) busy for a while. Could also be a great treat (bribe) to help them complete their online learning (or a treat for their teacher!).
In your kit you will receive 6 delicious cupcakes already frosted with bright colours; 3 tubs of different types of sprinkles and a bag of assorted lollies. Lots of delicious fun.

Mamma’s special mention
Corkies Creations can usually be found at markets around Melbourne. Keep an eye on their Facebook Page to be kept up to date with locations.

the nitty gritty

Cupcake kits from $25
Delivery available at extra cost
Click here for more info.

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Jacqui Kavanagh Jacqui Kavanagh

two fun science experiments with the science shed

Julie, from The Science Shed, has provided her 2 most basic (but FUN) experiments, using products you will most likely have at home.

Mamma’s kids are HUGE science fans. They just love to learn new tricks and get blown away by how things change when mixed with other ingredients.
So Mamma contacted local Science guru - Julie, from The Science Shed, to ask for her most basic experiments, using products you will most likely have at home.

Here are two ideas to keep the kids entertained (and fascinated).

1. Make a bubble snake.

  1. Cut the base off an old water bottle.

  2. Find an old clean sock and cover the base of the bottle with the sock. Keep it in place with a rubber band.

  3. Dip the sock into soapy water

  4. Blow into the bottle to create a bubble snake.

    *Adding food dye to the sock will make coloured bubbles.

2. Colour changing Cabbage

Order some purple cabbage in your next veggie order.

  1. Cut the cabbage into small pieces

  2. Put a handful into a small bowl

  3. Add some hot water and stir.  The water should turn purple.  

  4. Drain off the purple liquid into three different containers

  5. Add bicarb soda to one, salt to another, vinegar to the third.  What happens to the colours?  

Mamma’s special mention
The Science Shed offers a heap of fun science ideas on their website HERE. You can also purchase Science Kits for some fun at home experiments.

the nitty gritty

Keep an eye on The Science Sheds Facebook page for daily experiments.

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Mandy Couzens Mandy Couzens

dom's gnocchi (casa di tutti, seddon)

There are so many benefits from cooking with the kiddos - it’s a fun activity that not only involves learning a new lifelong skill, but also uses maths and reading, and when the result is dinner being made THAT they actually want to eat - well then you just can’t beat that!

There are so many benefits from cooking with the kiddos - it’s a fun activity that not only involves learning a new lifelong skill, but also uses maths and reading, and when the result is dinner being made THAT they actually want to eat - well then you just can’t beat that!

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Mamma Knows West has always loved the home made pasta (and pizza cooking classes) from Dom at Casa di Tutti in Seddon and now we are all lucky enough to be given his recipe to create at home! Gnocchi is so easy, with minimal steps and ingredients but LOTS of fun and SO delicious…


1kg red (desiree) potatoes
300g grated parmesan
1 egg
300g plain flour
Salt and pepper
Sauce of your choosing - mamma used Napoli here with some added baby spinach, plus some fresh herbs for garnish

Peel the potato and boil till soft. Once they are cooked, straight and mash into a bowl. Let it cool and then add grated parmesan, egg and seasoning and flour and mix till combined (Have fun with this part!). Turn out the mix onto a bench, roll a little at a time (into a sausage shape) and cut aproximately 1cm pieces. Place a few at a time into boiling water and once they have risen to the top, remove them and place them directly into sauce, or if you want to save them for later put them into icy water. When all the gnocchi are cooked, strain the gnocchi and drizzle with a little oil So they dont stick together) and place in fridge.

Don’t over boil or they will turn to mush!
Makes enough for a family of four and some left over
Have fun!

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Jacqui Kavanagh Jacqui Kavanagh

palamara's peninsula produce

You can get these boxes delivered to your door on Tuesdays and now also Wednesdays.

Mamma’s crew are MASSIVE fruit lovers. It seems like we never have enough in the house, especially now the kids are at home 24/7!
Luckily, we are blessed here in the South with some amazing companies offering home delivery. Mamma has been a customer of Palamara’s Produce for a few years now, but has never appreciated their fresh boxes of goodness more than at the moment!
You can get these boxes delivered to your door on Tuesdays and now also Wednesdays. Each week their box slightly changes, but you can also add on anything you like. Super easy to order and pay, and they just leave it right on your doorstop for contact-free delivery. Wonderful!

Mamma’s special mention
You can order weekly boxes (changes weekly) or choose your own. Click here for more info.

the nitty gritty

For more info and to order click here

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Jacqui Kavanagh Jacqui Kavanagh

backyard obstacle course with acrokids

Here are the Top Tips for building an awesome obstacle course at home from the masters at Acrokids.

With the kids cooped up at home, it’s important to keep their little bodies (and minds) active. That’s why Mamma contacted the experts in all things exercise - Acrokids, to get some tips on some FUN ways to sneak in some movement.

And what could be more fun than a backyard obstacle course?!

Here are the Top Tips/Steps for building an awesome obstacle course at home from the masters at Acrokids.


  1. Get mum and dads permission and supervision (very important), they are the chief safety inspectors too!

  2. Get creative! Find bits and pieces around the house or garden to build your obstacle course. You want to be able to crawl or roll under, climb or jump over, run around, swing through and land on. Some ideas are – pool noodles, eskies, outdoor furniture (must be sturdy), swing sets and monkey bars, ropes, ladders, the possibilities are endless!

  3. Make sure you have a clear pathway, use socks or rope, paper, plastic plates anything to mark the direction of the course so you know where you’re going and you don’t bump into anyone.

  4. Place your obstacles a safe distance apart so you have enough room to move from one to the next. Choose what tricks you’re going to do where, commando rolls, vaulting, jumping, swinging, crawling etc.

  5. Practise going through the course

  6. Play games and have fun! Here are some ideas

- Time trials - how fast can you get around the course, and then try to beat your own time
- Free running – do as many tricks as you can around the course to accrue points, each trick = 1 point, tricks can be commando rolls, vaults, jumps etc.
- Chase the Ace – for groups of two or more, the first person starts and then second person starts 3 seconds later, the aim is to chase and tag the person in front. Once a person is tagged, they have to do an exercise i.e. star jump or push up before they can continue chasing around the course.

Mamma’s special mention
For more inspiration, click here to see Acrokids youtube video with step-by-step instructions on backyard obstacle course construction!

the nitty gritty

For more videos and tips of active fun at home with Acrokids, click here

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Jacqui Kavanagh Jacqui Kavanagh

cubbies with petite maison

Let’s play cubbies

Kids just love cubbies. Under cushions, tables, trampolines, cardboard boxes, trees, beds - wherever they can fit - they will make their own space. They will drag in their teddies, blankets, books and toys to create a safe little space for themselves to play.

Many of us don’t have enough space to bring a cubby inside, but Petite Maison have made the perfect solution. A cubby, designed to fit over the top of your dining room table!

Mamma’s crew are head over heels with their little homes. They’ve been posting letters, having tea parties and playing house.

Hmmm… the hardest part is convincing them to pack up in time for dinner.

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Jacqui Kavanagh Jacqui Kavanagh

baking cookies with the hatter and the hare

Cookies are pretty easy and very tasty, especially when the recipe comes from some of the sweetest experts in the east, The Hatter and The Hare.

When the kids insist in eating all the snacks during the holidays, may as well get them in on making them. Cookies are pretty easy and very tasty, especially when the recipe comes from some of the sweetest experts in the east, The Hatter and The Hare. The cafe has a number of recipes on their website so you can have a taste of this Bayswater favourite, at home. Each recipe comes with a short video of the recipe in action and is helpful for the kids to watch before you start. If Mamma is getting the kids in on the cooking, we make sure that everyone gets a little tub of ingredients to add to the mixer and everyone gets to taste test at the end. For all the recipes, including the Triple Choc Cookies, CLICK HERE

THATH recipe: Triple Choc Cookies

  • 125g Butter

  • 1/2 cup Brown Sugar

  • 1/3 cup Caster Sugar

  • 1 Whole Egg

  • 1 tsp Vanilla

  • 100g Cocoa Powder

  • 1 1/2 cup Self-raising flour

  • Handful Chocolate Chips (White or Milk or both)


  1. Preheat the oven at 150C.

  2. In a mixing bowl, beat butter, sugar and vanilla until the mixture is light and fluffy.

  3. Add the egg to the bowl and mix until combined.

  4. Add the flour and cocoa powder. Be careful not to over beat.

  5. Fold the chocolate chips into the mixture.

  6. Shape into small balls of about 40g each and place on a pan covered with a baking sheet. Press slightly until each piece is about 6cm in diameter.

  7. Bake for 10 min in the oven.

Mamma’s special mention: The Hatter and The Hare are still pumping out takeaways and pastries in the kitchen. Check out their menu here as well as options for delivery.

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Jacqui Kavanagh Jacqui Kavanagh

juggling socks with ruccis

We might feel like the ring master in our houses at the minute. So lets learn how to juggle with the circus masters of the east - RUCCIS.

We might feel like the ring master in our houses at the minute. So lets learn how to juggle with the circus masters of the east - RUCCIS. The team that are based in Bayswater can’t run their classes at this point in time, so are providing some fun tutorials on their Facebook Page. Let the lounge room clowning BEGIN!
We have been test running the juggling video with Sam. Using things we all have around the house - some pairs of socks - Sam gives the kids basic tasks with one, then two, and even three pairs, building up skills until the actual juggling takes place. We have been throwing socks behind our heads, under our leg and pretty much every direction you can think of. Mamma’s two kids might need a little more practise, but at least they are a little more interested in helping with the washing now!

Mamma’s special mention: Wanna learn more than just juggling? RUCCIS have a number of tutorials on their Facebook Page for us all to have a go.

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Jacqui Kavanagh Jacqui Kavanagh

two easy slime recipes from the busy peacock

Two easy slime recipes from the experts at The Busy Peacock.

Mamma KNOWS when it comes to all things messy - the experts in that field are the crafty folk at The Busy Peacock!
We asked them to let us in on their secret slime recipes, as everyone just LOVES slime, right?! Well, the bonus with these slime recipes (especially the 1st one) is that not only can the kids get SUPER messy, they will also get SUPER clean, as it’s made with soap! Now there’s a sneaky way to get them to wash their hands!

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Super Easy Slime Recipe number 1 - Soap Slime

double whammy as it cleans their hands ;)

  • 1 cup lux flakes (if you can’t find these, Mamma subsituted with pure laundry soap - just peel it with a peeler into flakes)

  • 3 cups of boiling water

  • A few drops of food colouring

Whisk together the soap flakes and boiling water. Add a few drops of food colouring. Stir. Let it cool and then you will have gloopy slime!

Add animals / utensils / ripped up tissues for extra lumpy sliminess 

If it sets you can add more warm water

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Easy Slime Recipe number 2


  • Elmer’s glue

  • Dish liquid

  • Food colouring

  • Baking soda

  • Water

Mix 1/2 a cup of Elmer’s glue with about a tablespoon of dish soap. Add 2-3 tablespoons of water and stir. The mixture will start to foam, at which point you can add in your favourite colour of food colouring.

Add one cup of baking soda to the mixture and stir. The baking soda and glue will start to react, creating a stretchy slime that is slightly heavier in texture than regular slime. How much baking soda you end up adding will depend on the humidity of the room you are currently in, but you will want to keep adding baking soda until you can handle the slime without it sticking to your fingers.

Mamma’s Special Note
If you haven’t tried out The Busy Peacock or had a delicious meal at The Hungry Peacock, make sure you check them out when the re-open!

the nitty gritty

Keep up to date with all things messy from The Busy Peacock here.

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Jacqui Kavanagh Jacqui Kavanagh

personalised videos and online birthday parties with little party faces

Kids parties may be cancelled, but celebrating birthdays doesn't have to be!

Kids parties may be cancelled, but celebrating birthdays doesn't have to be!
Mamma’s little one got a personalised video call from the beautiful Snow Queen, and it made her day!

Little Party Faces, children's entertainment company, are now offering virtual character visits, personalised video messages and virtually hosted birthday parties to keep your children entertained during challenging family quarantine times.

There are princess characters, fairies, superheroes and much more to choose from!

Personalised video messages


Surprise your little one with a personalised video message (that they can watch over and over) from their favourite character. Perfect for birthday messages or just a little cheer me up for one all or the kids in your family!

Virtual character visits (1 on 1)


From your favourite character (20mins, 40mins or 1hour)
Light up your little ones day with a virtual video call from their favourite character. They'll keep your child/children entertained via your preferred online video platform (Facebook Video, Zoom, Hangouts or Skype etc). Every call is live and just for you and can be tailored to include any of the following experiences...

Character Q&A
Magic tricks
How to be a Princess or Superhero training

If it's your child's birthday, your favourite character will sing happy birthday and more!

What you’ll need:
Access to a computer or tablet, or mobile smartphone
A strong and reliable internet connection
Perfect for 4-8 year olds

Virtual birthday Party (up to 8 Friends recommended but you can unlimited!)


Throw a party for your little one without anyone leaving their own house!
Invite your favourite character to host your very own 45-minute virtual birthday party. It will be the most fun video conference ever!
Virtual parties will be tailored to include any of the following fun activities and party game experiences ...

Happy birthday singing
Party Games such as Simon Says, the alphabet game, dance battle!
Magic tricks
How to be a Princess or Superhero training
Character Q&As and more!

What you’ll need:

A Zoom account (free)
A strong and reliable internet connection
All kids invited will need to have access to a computer or tablet and a Zoom account
Ideal for 4-8 year olds

the nitty gritty

Personalised videos can be from
Ice/Snow Queen
and more..

. For more info click here

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Jacqui Kavanagh Jacqui Kavanagh

magic fairy crafts with faerie crystall

Here are some Top Fairy Crafts that you can make with ingredients you are likely to have in your pantry!

Mamma knows that when it comes to all things fairy/magic the expert to contact is the beautiful Faerie Crystall!
Here are some of her Top Fairy Crafts that you can make with ingredients you are likely to have in your pantry!

3 Little Magic Fairy Crafts

Faeries love making magical things happen! Especially when they are fun, make you giggle, and everything you need to do them can be found in the cupboard.

Here are a few ideas that don’t need any magic words.

1. Magic pictures.

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You need:

  • A white candle

  • A paintbrush

  • Water and food dye mixed together ( just a bit of both)

  • White paper.

It works best if a grown up takes the candle and uses it to draw a picture on the paper ( you cant see it so it is a bit tricky). Then with the food dye and water mix, paint over the picture and ABRACADABRA, it reveals the image!
*note - it is a bit messy and food colouring can stain so be careful where you do it.

For older kids you can draw clues. For example, for nursery rhymes, movie titles, book titles.

2. Rainbow bubble art

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This is one of my favourites! So much fun.

You need:

  • 3 smallish tubs or largish bowls of water.

  • Food dye

  • Dishwashing detergent.

  • A straw.

  • Paper that fits inside your tub or bowl.

Add the dishwashing detergent and a splash of ONE colour into each tub. Yellow, blue and red work well for this.
Pucker up those magic lips to your straw and blow blow blow! (DO NOT SUCK) Blow until the top of your tub or bowl is filled with tiny bubbles. Lay your paper softly and carefully on top for a few seconds. It doesn’t go into the water, just sits on top of bubbles. Remove paper and you should be greeted by a soft smattering of beautiful faerie bubbles. Makes great wrapping paper, or cut out butterfly shapes.

3.Faerie Swirls.

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A very gorgeous fairy friend of mine introduced me to this little magic recipe.

You need:

  • A small bowl with a little dash of milk in it.

  • Dishwashing liquid (squirt a little into a small saucer, or even a jar lid)

  • A toothpick.

  • Food dye

With a few centimetres of milk in the bowl ( full cream works best), drop a few little drops of different colour food dyes in. Not too much, a little drop here and there.
Take the toothpick and scrape it through the dishwashing liquid. Now poke that into the milk, and watch what happens. Pretty cool magic! Put a little more dishwashing liquid onto the toothpick and poke the milk again, swirl it just a little!

I find this one so mesmerising and if you take some pictures while it swirls and billows and changes, you can then search out magic pictures in the photos! What do the shapes and squiggles look like?
You can drop more dye in as you go, until your milk is all muddy… but sometimes, just when you think it’s all gone, one more swooooooooosh, and it’s magical again!

Mamma’s special mention
You can have Faerie Crystall call you and have a one-on-one magic show.
Click here for info.

the nitty gritty

Check out more on Faerie Crystall’s Facebook page.

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