two fun science experiments with the science shed
Mamma’s kids are HUGE science fans. They just love to learn new tricks and get blown away by how things change when mixed with other ingredients.
So Mamma contacted local Science guru - Julie, from The Science Shed, to ask for her most basic experiments, using products you will most likely have at home.
Here are two ideas to keep the kids entertained (and fascinated).
1. Make a bubble snake.
Cut the base off an old water bottle.
Find an old clean sock and cover the base of the bottle with the sock. Keep it in place with a rubber band.
Dip the sock into soapy water
Blow into the bottle to create a bubble snake.
*Adding food dye to the sock will make coloured bubbles.
2. Colour changing Cabbage
Order some purple cabbage in your next veggie order.
Cut the cabbage into small pieces
Put a handful into a small bowl
Add some hot water and stir. The water should turn purple.
Drain off the purple liquid into three different containers
Add bicarb soda to one, salt to another, vinegar to the third. What happens to the colours?
Mamma’s special mention
The Science Shed offers a heap of fun science ideas on their website HERE. You can also purchase Science Kits for some fun at home experiments.
the nitty gritty
Keep an eye on The Science Sheds Facebook page for daily experiments.